Fitness review: Pole fitness your way to a confident you

If you’re looking for a versatile, fun and challenging workout, you might just want to drop in to that pole fitness studio you’ve always walked past. Who knows – it could land you $100K on a reality tv show down the track…

I think one of the biggest preconceptions about pole fitness is it’s something to do as a one-off.

You know, for a hen’s night or an activity for a major birthday milestone. I certainly took this view. But as my guest reviewer tells me, it’s definitely not a one-off activity and is an excellent overall body workout.

Meet, Ying. Accountant by day, pole fitness enthusiast by night, she took up pole fitness two years ago after trying a few workouts and feeling slightly underwhelmed with what was on offer. This is where pole fitness entered. Naturally drawn to exploring new things (she’s an avid reader, traveler and foodie), Ying literally leaped at the chance to try a class with friends, and the rest as they say is pole history.

The details

Location: Pole Gym, Brisbane CBD (extremely convenient for people who work in the city)
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes for a normal class (there are shorter classes that run for 45 minutes)
Style: Group class (one-on-one option is available with a different pricing)
Cost: $209 for a normal 6-week course
Who’s there: Mostly women, all ages
What to wear: Normal tanks or shirts, or sports bra, and short shorts
What you should bring: Water, towel

ATFG > What should someone expect?

What many people don’t realise is that, there can be different styles in pole fitness. While there’s the classic sexy style where many associate pole dancing with, you can also combine contemporary ballet moves, fun Latin routine or storytelling.

Kristy Sellars, who won the Australia’s Got Talent with her pole moves, is a perfect example that pole fitness is more than just being sexy. Every performance was a story expressed with strength, resilience and emotions.

In addition, pole fitness is like a never-ending challenge. After mastering one move, there are always more new moves and tricks to learn.

Here are my three tips for starting out:

You’ll learn the basic moves first – you won’t be thrown in the deep end. You’ll learn how to climb and support yourself, and get used to the pole. There’s nothing too crazy here, do not worry. The instructor is very encouraging and accommodating. Everyone there is to support you and you will end up with your own pole family. You also don’t need to be fit to start! You’ll build your strength and fitness up along the way. 😊

Pole fitness is for everyone – Pole fitness is not just a female sport. Guys are welcome to join too! Some of the famous polers are male. Check them out here. Also, be open. There are different styles and various moves in pole fitness, although you may dislike some of them, be receptive in learning them. 

Comparison robs you of joy – Never compare yourself with the other students as everyone’s progress is different, just like their bodies are different and how much time they’ve got to invest in practicing. It’s just about having fun!

ATFG > Would you recommend this workout to a friend?

Yes I would absolutely recommend pole fitness to a friend!

ATFG > What do you like about pole fitness?

I love it so much because it’s versatile, fun and challenging and I never get bored. There’s always more to learn and that really appeals to someone like me.

ATFG > What don’t you like about pole fitness?

You will get bruises. Hahahaha. This scares most people away, but seriously, it is worth it. And just remember – you’re building up strength and muscle tone probably faster than you expected.

ATFG > What song is on this fitness workouts playlist?

Every level has a different song that we practice the choreography and pole tricks. For example, in Level 2, we have Up Town Funk by Bruno Mars, and in Level 4, we have Good for You by Selena Gomez.

Do you like Ying’s review? Drop a comment in the box below! If there’s a workout you’d like me to do, be sure to let me know. Reach out via Facebook, Instagram or email me at

Until next time,
Maryanne K

Here's Ying's rating of pole fitness out of five
  • Fitness
  • Strength and toning
  • Weight loss
  • Wellbeing (mind, body and soul connection)

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